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Showing posts from 2013

Chickpet Visit

The craft meet up that I attend once a month had organized a visit to Chickpet on Ramzan day - main reason being to pick up some Macrame yarn. The visit was very fruitful and I ended up buying some good yarn and some crochet threads - I'll have to find something to do with it - maybe ill make a colorful tatted dress for my baby or something (in case its a girl - else ill have to find something else to do with it). I was overwhelmed by the amount of craft items we find there. I felt like buying anything and everything.  Oh, I forgot to say - I bought some large wooden beads to make my purse handle with. It was tough to find beads in that size. We had to look high and low. Since many of the stores sell in wholesale amounts there, its tough to get a small count of beads. Smaller ones are readily available. I just hope the purse turns out beautiful and its all worth the hunt. - So

Lacey Edged Scarf

I follow Judy on Facebook. Her page is called "Knitting Tips by Judy". She had recently put up a video on Lacey Edge Scarf with bulky yarn and I had absolutely loved it. Was wanting to try it and was wondering when I should go to buy some bulky yarn, when she put up the same pattern with thin yarn too. It looked absolutely beautiful. A few days back I had visited Chickpet and had bought some beautiful eyelash yarn from Ramdev Stores. Heres a pic. When I saw the second video by Judy, I suddenly remembered this yarn. I thought of making this scarf for my sister who is also currently carrying. She is ahead of me by 1.5 months. Since she wears scarves, I thought it would be a good memoir from me to her. I hope she will like it when its done. Although the pattern is not clearly visible on the photo, the scarf is turning out beautiful.  Will put up finished pics when done. Stay tuned !! - So. UPDATE: Here are the finished photos...

Portuguese Knitting

I recently re-started DH's sweater - it was almost complete the last time, but a tad bit (and by that I mean "very") large for him. He absolutely refused to wear it because he looked like a scarecrow with very loose clothing in it. So I had to redo the whole thing again. I started off by looking at a different pattern, as I just did not have enff patience left in me to redo the old one - moreover I had lost the pattern instructions :P Then, I went about finding a pattern for knitting in the round as that would require lesser time and effort (avoids the turning around of the work). Also, I had an inkling to learn continental method. I started off with continental (during the ribbing itself) so that I could get used to it by the time the pattern actually started. I totally loved the new method and just when I was getting used to it, I started having this weird pain in my left thumb (maybe bcoz of the death grip - as described by many) but could also be due to the newb

Needle Tatting - '3 Leaf Clover' Motif !!

Crossed off my to-do list is the line item - "Learn something new" :) I learnt needle tatting last month and enjoyed it thoroughly... Here is my first completed project in it. There is a bit of a mistake in what I did here, but I hope no one notices :) Lighting is also really bad, but couldn't wait to post this pic... so here it is !! CONTACT ME FOR THE PATTERN :) Will share more pics and projects soon. I have lots of knitting n crochet projects created which I haven't put up yet... need to do that soon too. Keep hanging in there !! - So