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Showing posts from September, 2015

Hojas y bayas Shawlette

I suddenly had the urge to try out a new pattern and went scourging for it at the ravelry site where people post free patterns for testing (with deadlines of course). I found this extremely pretty shawlette pattern and I had lots of scrap yarn lying around after my Bavarian Crochet Yarn Eater blanket project. Its a pretty crescent shaped shawlette. I did mine with lots of color, but you can also do it in a single color. It shot out pretty fast and had simple basic instructions - not complicated at all. Find pics of the finished project during blocking. I started this project on Aug 22nd and finished it on Sep 6th and I worked only in the night. No time in the mornings, since I am off to work. So its a very fast quick project to delve into.